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Forum:Space Explorers & Workers
Topic:Women who worked the Apollo 11 mission
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olyPoppy Northcutt was included in the documentary ":Chasing the Moon," an excellent documentary.
randyThere was also Sara Howard, who was an engineer for Boeing and worked on the S1-C stage of the Saturn V. I had the honor of emailing her. What a delightful and classy lady. I also have the privilege of having her autograph in my collection.
onesmallstepAlso Judy Sullivan, a NASA biomedical engineer who can be seen in photos and in film on launch day, standing by and marking a strip chart as the Apollo 11 crew suit up in the Manned Spacecraft Operations Building (which now bears Neil Armstrong's name). She appears in the recent documentary Apollo 11 and is depicted in the feature movie First Man.
astro-nutTo all the women who worked on the Mercury, Gemini and Apollo Programs thank you for being part of the NASA team to achieve our National goal! Great job by all of you!!!
Robert PearlmanGoogle video
8:07 p.m. Mojave Desert. Moonlight strikes more than 107,000 solar mirrors to create a portrait of Apollo 11 computer programmer Margaret Hamilton. Bigger than New York's Central Park, the portrait is a tribute to Hamilton's contributions to the Apollo program and the field of software engineering. Learn more about Margaret here.
JouettThat is just too cool. Thanks for sharing this.

Here is a 3:20 video on "The Making of 'Margaret by Moonlight'" that is interesting.

JonnyedDon't forget Rita Rapp, winner of NASA's Exceptional Service Medal for all her work, in part, with the Apollo Food Service program, responsible for all the in-flight tasties.

Anyone who can bring BACON to the moon is a hero in my book! (yum.)

Ken HavekotteEven my own Mom, Dorothy, was one of the first women to work as an assistant inside an Apollo Lunar Module crew cabin while it was being processed at KSC's Manned Spacecraft Operations Bldg. (O&C) during the early 1970's, now renamed the Armstrong Ops. and Checkout facility.

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